About your retreat
We have created a safe and empowering container where you are supported during your water fasting journey. This immersion offers you space for self-exploration and experiencing the healing power of water fasting and the natural capacity of your body to heal itself. Supported by Holistic Clinicians and Practitioners, you will be guided safely through your water fasting journey, creating a safe space to actualize and integrate the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual processes that may arise while cleansing your body. This immersion is optimal for individuals interested in experiencing the rejuvenating power of water-only fasting and deep cleansing. It's like resetting your biological system and rebuilding it with new empowering habits.

“Feel The Regenerating Power of Pure Water awakening your body.”
“Reset and create new empowering habits.”
Maximum 10- 12 guests
Medical supervision with daily vital check ins
Initial Assessment with Dr Veress
Single or twin accommodation with private bathroom
Room refreshment
Healthy organic juices and vegan meals on refeeding
Private chef
Gentle yoga
Meditation & Mindfullness
Group workshops for emotional embodiment
Somatic exercises for nervous system regulation
Lectures & educational spaces for learning
Journaling guidance
Somatic and self regulating practices to take home
Post retreat Integration zoom call
Massage & bodywork.
Private Sacro cranial therapy
Private session somatic psychotherapy
Bio magnetism
Discovery excursion to local activities.
Post retreat consultancy.